Case Study Volcanoes
Anak-Krakatau Ritter Island Kilauea Cumbre Vieja Etna Santorini-Kolumbo
towering above the City of Catania on the Sicilian east coast (Italy) is the largest and most active volcano in Europe. Etna’s record of historical volcanism, dates back to 1500 BC. Historical lava flows cover much of the surface of this massive ~3329 m high complex basaltic stratovolcano.
Etna is considered, after Kilauea, the second most productive volcano on earth with several major eruptions per year. Volcanic activity at Etna is characterized by frequent effusive eruptions with large lava flows accompanied by persistent Strombolian activity and lava fountains with occasional sub-Plinian eruptions.
In the last three years, volcanic strombolian and seismic activity have been impressive at Christmas 2018 and in February 2021. During a violent eruptive episode in October 2021, parts of the SE crater collapsed into dangerous pyroclastic flows.
Etna is located in a complex tectonic setting due to the convergence of the African and European plates. The basement geometry promotes lateral spreading and flank instability. About 10.000 years ago, the structure of the volcano was radically modified by slope failures at the eastern flank that entailed the wide depression of the Valle del Bove.
Etna’s southeastern flank slides seawards at 2-3 cm per year
Over the last decades, extensive geodetic surveys focusing on the onshore flanks of Mount Etna have revealed instability of its eastern flank, which continuously moves seawards with displacement rates of up to 50 millimetres per year.
The unstable flank is bound by fault systems. Their displacement is a good indicator for the acceleration of the flank movement. One side of the fault, moves downhill while the other is more or less stable. This movement of the flank and the deformation of the volcano are monitored for example by Satellite-based ground deformation observations - GPS or Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar measurements (InSAR) - which show that the highest displacement rates are at the coast.
The Flank movement does not stop at the shoreline
Etnas eastern foot extends offshore, along the coast of Sicily, and reaches well into the Ionian Sea to a major tectonic lineament, the Malta-Hyblean escarpement.
Electromagnetic signals, as they are used by satellites however, do not penetrate water. Previously it was difficult to measure movements and deformation of the ground underwater. Now, Morelia Urlaub and her research team are using a sonar-based alternative. The marine geodetic measurements can show that the flank instability extends far into the sea.
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain flank sliding at Mount Etna. Basically two processes are capable of triggering flank instability: horizontal pushing of ascending magmatic intrusions or gravitational pull.
Shoreline crossing observatory
During a research cruise with the research vessel RV Poseidon in April 2016 (POS496) an acoustic geodetic network consisting of five transponders was deployed at the seafloor offshore the East Coast of Sicily. The target was a seafloor structure that marks the boundary between the downwards sliding southeastern flank of the volcano and its stable surroundings. These seafloor geodetic transponders measured acoustic distances across the fault, absolute pressure and tilt between 2016 and 2018.
The network recorded distance changes between the transponders, which is most likely caused by downwards movement of the unstable sector. Over a period of eight days the southeastern flank slid down by at least 4 cm.
In their study that was published in 2018 in SCIENCE ADVANCES Morelia Urlaub and her colleagues documented rapid deformation of Etna’s offshore flank and combined the offshore measurements with onshore ground deformation. These data define the dynamics of the entire volcanic flank.
The seafloor geodetic measurements suggested that the submerged part of Etna’s southeastern flank is sliding at a similar rate as the on-land part near the coast. The observed large deformation of 4 cm away from the magmatic system can only be explained by a gravitational effect that is further destabilized by magma dynamics.
During a research cruise with the research vessel RV Alkor in January 2020 (AL532), Morelia Urlaub and her team mapped the fault system that represents the boundary between the stable and unstable volcano flanks at high resolution. They used a multibeam echosounder carried by the AUV Abyss of GEOMAR and collected hydroacoustic data with a ship-based multibeam echosounder.
Additional parts of the seafloor off Mount Etna were mapped during a cruise with RV Sonne in August-October 2020 (SO277). Also six seafloor geodesy stations and six ocean bottom seismometers were deployed, aiming for a long-term observation period of 1-3 years.
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We do not know enough but we know that:
Flank movement at Etna poses a great hazard as
It may in geological timescales at some point evolve into catastrophic collapse!
Ritter Island
The 1888 sector collapse of Ritter Island, Papua New Guinea
is the most voluminous volcanic island flank collapse in historic times. Before its collapse, Ritter Island was an approximately 750 metre high, 1.5 kilometre wide and 45° steep volcanic island, which had shown eruptive activity since its first description in 1700.
On March 13 1888, a large fraction of the volcanic edifice (5 km³) of Ritter Island collapsed and slid into the sea leaving a small, half-moon shaped islet. The volcanic debris avalanche caused a tsunami that produced 20 metre high waves, devastating villages at the neighbouring island coasts and damaging colonial settlements up to 600 kilometre away, which was precisely recorded by German settlers.
3D seismic reconstruction of the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse
During a research cruise with SONNE in 2016, a research team led by Jens Karstens collected 2D and 3D seismic and bathymetric data, and seafloor sediment samples and imagery from the failed volcanic edifice and its associated mass-movement deposits.
Videos of the simulations of the Ritter Island collapse and tsunami
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Anak Krakatau
The structural collapse of Anak Krakatau in December 2018 caused a Tsnumami killing 430 people, and resulting in huge destruction along the surrounding shorelines. The population was hit entirely unprepared because we currently are unable to forecast such events.
The collapse involved only ~0.12 cubic kilometre of subaerial material. The Volcano lost 150 - 180 million cubic metres of volume and reduced its height from 338 metre to 110 metre. On the other hand, the Island gained land due to ash and lava deposition.
Monitoring the flank collapse
The collapse of Anak-Krakatau in December 2018 is the best-monitored flank collapse with many different types of remote sensing data that characterize gradual flank sliding, volcanic activity, temperature, and seismicity before, during, and after the collapse. The submarine part was surveyed in August 2018 with multibeam bathymetry and sparker seismics.
Satellites documented that the actual collapse was preceded by a slow seawards and downwards sliding of the western flank over a period of several years. Surprisingly, there was no acceleration in this movement just prior to the collapse, as one would expect.
Time series from Walter et al. (2019), paper in nature communications
Geologic History of Krakatau
Anak Krakatau is a volcanic island between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra in the Sunda Strait. It is part of the Indonesian island arc system generated by the north-eastward subduction of the Indo-Australian plate.
The collapse of the ancient volcano Krakatau, around 416 AD, formed a seven kilometre wide caldera. Subsequently, numerous smaller volcanoes formed a volcanic complex that became the island of Krakatau.
During the catastrophic eruption of 1883, the caldera collapsed and destroyed large parts of that volcanic complex. Devastating tsunamis flooded the adjacent coasts of Sumatra and Java. Pyroclastic flows crossed the Sunda Strait and reached the coast of Sumatra. The catastrophe caused more than 36,000 fatalities. It was the deadliest volcanic event in historical records.
After a dormant period of less than half a century, eruptions formed the summit of Anak Krakatau - child of Krakatau. Since 1927, Anak Krakatau has erupted repeatedly.
Was this scenario ever considered possible to happen?
Unfortunately yes. A rapid, partial destabilization of Anak Krakatau triggering a tsunami was numerically modelled by Giacchetti et al. (2012). The interest arose from previous observations and concerns about the steep slopes on which the volcano was built and, in particular, that the volcano was growing towards South West. For these reasons, landslides along the south-western flank of the volcano could not be excluded. In the event of a landslide, it would have been directed south-westwards and would have triggered waves possibly affecting the Indonesian coasts both at the local and regional scale.
Volcano ground deformation was and is not constantly monitored, although a tsunami awareness program is in place in the region since 2006. But the tsunami risk due to volcano instabilities and collapse was highly neglected!
Research shows that it is indeed not trivial to include volcanic sources in the tsunami early warning systems, first of all, because their footprint is variable and very different from the earthquake one. Creating a warning system capable to deal with all the different source mechanisms is thus both challenging as well as desirable. Steps are being done in this direction, in the meanwhile strengthening tsunami-prone regions’ resilience with ad hoc education and preparedness programs remains a must.
Was the catastrophic movement initiated under water, out of sight of satellites?
This is something very critical to understand if we want to identify and monitor the signs of impending collapse as early as possible!
We didn‘t succeed in the case of the Anak Krakatau collapse, but we should try and learn from this event!
Drone video of Anak Krakatau Krater
is the youngest and most active Hawaiʻian shield volcano. It is located on the southern part of Big Island. Hawai'i is the southernmost and largest of a ~6000-km-long chain of islands and seamounts in the middle of the Pacific Plate, which owes its existence to the Hawaiʻian hot spot that has been active over the past 70 million years. Being the most active vulcano worldwide, Kilauea is almost constantly erupting from vents either on its summit caldera or on the rift zones.
Eruptive activity at Kīlauea alternates between centuries-long periods of lava effusion and centuries-long periods of explosive eruptions. Kilaueas present, mostly effusive lava eruption started in 1983 on the eastern rift zone and has mainly been concentrated at the Pu'u 'O'o vent. It is one of the most long-lived eruptions known on earth.
The Nuuanu volcanic landslide
off Oahu, Hawaiʻi, moved about 5,000 cubic kilometre of rocks over a distance of more than 200 km about 2 Million years ago and must have caused a Pacific-wide tsunami with up to 70 m high waves in North America and Japan. Around Hawaii, more than 68 major landslide deposits document a geologic history of repeated volcano collapses.
Kilauea’s southern flank is sliding down 8-12 cm per year
Gravitational spreading appears to be the dominant driving force for flank sliding at Kīlauea, given the long-term steady motion of the volcano's south flank regardless of eruptive or intrusive activity. This is a possible explanation of the exceptionally long eruption at Kilauea in summer 2018, following flank slip of up to 3.5 metre during the Mw 6.9 earthquake on 4 May.
Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field
The Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field in the Aegean Sea is one of the most active and hazardous volcano-tectonic regions in the world. Santorini’s iconic Minoan eruption 3600 years ago may have contributed to the fall of the Minoan civilization, leaving its imprint on Greek mythology, archaeology, and volcanology.
Artist's conception of the Minoan eruption (
Morphological map of the Christiana-Santorini Kolumbo volcanic field showing basins, volcanic centers, and volcanic lineaments. (Preine et al., 2021)
In their study puplished in 2021, Jonas Preine, Jens Karstens and colleagues used high resolution marine seismic reflection profiles to link the marine stratigraphy to onshore volcanic sequences and present the first consistent chronological framework for the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field. They reconstructed the evolution of the volcanic rift system in time and space.
The largest volcanic island mass transport deposit from the Mediterranean Sea occurred in the early phase of the evolution of Santorini 700 thousand years ago. With a bulk volume of up to 125 km3 it is located in all basins surrounding Santorini and resulted from a complex masswasting geohazard cascade including a volcanic island sector collapse. It triggered a shift in the behavior of the whole Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field. (Preine et al., 2022)
High-resolution multichannel seismic profiles in the Christiana -Santorini area and 3D view of the Christiana Edifice and the Christiana Fault scar (5 times vertically exaggerated). Preine et al., 2022